The Greatest Calling
I was cleaning out my files last night..what a chore, but it desperately needed to be done and I found letter a friend sent me on my 30th birthday.
She was my youth leader when I was 16 years old and she knows me so well. It was such a God thing that I found this letter. I needed to hear her words again. She reinforced to me that my greatest calling is raising these wonderful children who are running around my house right now. Nothing in my life is worth anything if they do not fully know who the Lord is. I could reach out to hundreds, feed thousands and heal millions, but if my five kids don't know the awesome power of the Lord in their lives then all my healings and reaching out was in vain. Hugging on them, making sandwiches and brushing their teeth every morning is my calling right now. What an awesome responsibility to have! Sometimes when it gets a bit redundant and tiresome, we need to go back to that simple calling that the Lord gave to us. Our first calling is to love on them, to show them the way of the Lord...for them to see His loving arms and how he has a destiny for each of them. I am humbled that God has allowed me to be there for these children. So, after you read this go love on your kids and know that this is where you are supposed to be. I posted a cute picture of my Essie Roo taken earlier this year. She has my heart!