I downloaded some pictures so you could see what we have been up to...
Here is Judah, standing up ready to walk...yes, I know he is a late walker, but so far all of mine have been. Any day we think...he should beat Bryn's first steps...she was 17 months old!
Here are Esther, Caleb and William at Caleb's birthday party in the beginning of the little stair steps.
Judah and William (a bit blinded by the sun)...sitting on the front step, watching me leave for work...they looked so cute just waving to me. I hated leaving them, but it was only for a few hours.
William, the one who always falls asleep in the oddest positions...reading a map. We found him here fast asleep before we went to bed.
Judah wearing Daddy's tie when he got home from work. Judah looks the most like his Daddy!
Caleb at his party...the cake shaped into the number seven. He was so excited!
Bryn with her first science project this year...she made gliders, made some predictions and then tested it out. She had fun.
On our way to the election co-op for our home school group. Can you tell who we are going to vote for? Esther and Caleb wore buttons and they all had some sort of red, white or blue on. Esther's button had Sarah Palin on it and said, "Read my Lipstick!" Start out the conservatives young, right?!?
Here goes:
pic#1: looks like a party's been going on...and I was told let them crawl as long as possible, it's good for the brain development
pic#2: Ps. 81:10
pic#3: I like the red door
pic#4: love every part of this picture, who reads a stinkin' map before bed? smart kids, that's who... and me- a map lover! I like this kid, he may be one of my favorites- simply because of the sleeping position.
pic#5:Can't believe this is your baby?
pic#6: can't believe he's 7- where has the time gone?
pic#7:tell her to stop growing up and get back to her little desk in Amy's office
pic#8: ditto, ditto, ditto
...I'm still getting a kick out of the map reading picture- frame that one!