Gratitude Friday
I can't believe that another Friday is here...this week went super fast! It is right after lunch right now, but Matt and I have been up since three o'clock this morning. We got up early so we could go to all the Black Friday sales. There is something exciting about standing in the dark, waiting for doors to open so you can save tons of money, lol. Matt and I have such a great time together...texting and calling each other from opposite ends of the store.."What size is this one?" or "What color did you want?" I think Matt called me 10 times because he couldn't find me. We had such a lovely time, and look forward to the alone time together. After dinner last night, Matt's parents took the kids for the Matt and I went to the movies (can't remember the last time that happened) and then we went to bed without having to tuck anyone in or take anyone to the potty. Up early and we got over half of our Christmas shopping done. Our Thanksgiving was wonderful instead of writing five things that I am thankful for I am posting pictures of our past few days. Hope your weekend is wonderful...I plan on mine being just that!
Here is Esther making her first apple pie. She had fun filling the pie up and then putting the top layer of crust on. She was quite proud when it came out of the oven and when it was given out yesterday after dinner. She is quite a good cook!
Here is my sweet. He figured out how to get on the rocking horse (the same one Bryn rode on when she was one) all by himself and rock! He was so proud, so I had to get a snapshot of his major accomplishment!
Here is a snapshot of our dinner table before the feast was served. We were so busy 20 minutes later getting dinner on the table, that I didn't take a picture of all of us...sorry!
Here is Bryn feeding baby Abby. We were privileged enough to be with Abby for her first Thanksgiving. It is a sweet picture...Nana and Pap Pap's first and latest grandchild..almost 12 years apart. What a blessing our seed is!
Here is Esther making her first apple pie. She had fun filling the pie up and then putting the top layer of crust on. She was quite proud when it came out of the oven and when it was given out yesterday after dinner. She is quite a good cook!