Out of the Mouth of Babes...

William was sitting on the bench at our dining room table the other day...I was in the living room minding my own business...and then William says to me, "mom, will Caleb become white for Christmas?" I said, "no, William." "Caleb will be black forever?" "Yes William." And that was the end of conversation. I don't know where this stuff comes from. I had to blog this so I wouldn't forget. Out of the mouth of babes...brings a lot of laughter in our home!


Wow. Your family is beautiful! Our lives are very similar. We, too, have adopted children (girl from Ethiopia and two sons from Russia). My husband has traveled to Honduras to work on an orphanage (he put up electrical lines so the orphanage would have electricity). Like I said, our lives are so similar! It's a wonder how our great God has us meet like this!:) Laura
Superhero Mom said…
I totally love this! I love writing down what my kids say too! This made me laugh out loud!! Thanks for sharing!
Michelle said…
This is awesome!
Love that kid.
One thing I love about your family is the diversity, thanks for this blog so I can keep up.
Amanda said…
I want more Calab stories and pics..I feel like I don't know C like I know some of the other munchkins...

I read when I can just don't comment much....

PS you look GREAT keep meaning to tell you that each time I see you, yet you are always beautiful so do I say you look more beautiful.. or you look more joyous, when u always seem that way to me...now I feel silly, see this is why i don't say anything..seems silly. It's kinda like books I love whats inside, the outside is well paper. A friend once gave me a purple bird pen with this.. she makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple. prov 31.22. At the time I was deeply impacted..ask me why sometime and I will explain more..Bless you and yours....

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