It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!!!

I had to post a picture of our tree. It went up last night...after much anticipation from the kids. We told them last weekend, that we will decorate on Thursday (it was our only free night), and they were holding us to it. They were so excited all day...waiting for daddy to get home and get all of our decorations out. So, here it is in all of it's splendor...our favorite part is just sitting around in the room, with the lights off...enjoying the time together. Last night, Esther sang a song she wrote and Judah gave us his rendition of Silent Night. It was so sweet. So, here goes the swing of the Christmas season...with a renewed focus on the meaning of Christmas this year!!!
The original Santa Baby!!!!


Superhero Mom said…
Very lovely tree and an adorable baby Santa!

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