Monday Ramblings

Sitting here at the table with the kids. They are busy with their school work. Esther is already done with her work, and she is now taking up her 30 minutes on the computer. Judah is watching a little television, after a busy time with his work. We have come a long way since last Monday and our crazy first day of school...haha. He told me today that he likes school. One point for my court, right? The other three are by me...Caleb on math, William on phonics and Bryn on vocab. She starts her algebra II course today, and I don't think she is looking forward to it. Math isn't her favorite, but that's okay. She will do a great job anyway.
It's raining like crazy right now. Hurricane Isaac is passing Florida by right now and we are getting all the Eastern rain bands. So, it's an inside kind of day. I only was able to run 1.28 out of 2 miles this morning because of the rain. Almost half way there and the skies opened up...which actually felt nice. It was so humid out that it actually cooled me off. Even though I didn't get to do my long run, I will get to do Zumba tonight...which I am looking forward to. I started with this class last Monday and I love it.  I am always trying to step up my workout...and zumba is it for now. I think I did really well, but it will take some time to get to know the steps. And I love working out twice in a day...just gives that extra push to my body.
We spent the whole weekend packing the house. We are about 95% done...and the rest is stuff we need this week. It has been crazy packing a house for seven people. We sold so many things and donated so much more. And that isn't including the garbage we had. I think we got rid of 1/4 of our belongings. Insane! It actually feels good to get rid of stuff. So, we move on Saturday. I am excited, but at the same time very sad. A season is ending and another begins. Still keeping my eye on the Lord...he knows what to do next. What's keeping you busy this Monday morning? Have a great one!!!


alice garcia said…
I am busy reading about you!!! I have a full day ahead. my Mom to the doctor's, a new lady coming in to clean for her, a ride out to see our Pastor's new house, a ride on his pontoon boat...and tond of paperwork I am rearranging for our food pantry. That's it!
Love you and will keep your move in our prayers.
Michelle said…
Well it's not Monday and I am just returning from vacation and wondering what will keep my tomorrow busy.
Your rain running, Zumba and 10k inspire me; now what will I do with that inspiration?
May you embrace this new season with a richer passion and a refreshed perspective, and perhaps one day we will meet again face to face :)

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