Weird Place
I have been avoiding my blog. For no apparent reason. I have a million things to talk about...we did have a wonderful Christmas and a joyful new year...I could talk about all the presents that were under the tree...or the multiple bonfires and parties we have had...I would love to post some pictures, but my husband downloaded them on to his account on accident, so I will see what I can do about that. The last few weeks have gone by so fast, just like the rest of the year did. As of 12/31/09 I no longer work for the Volusia County Health Department...what a huge change in my life. For the past 4.5 half years I have worked from home, serving women who need help with their breastfeeding. Now, I am back to just a stay at home mom...which I say with the utmost respect. I am entering a new season with the Lord...and my eye is on him. We don't know what exactly he is doing. It is a place of transition. A place of the unknown. We see him hinting at several things...we don't know how far he is going or when or how long. I know, I am not explaining myself very well. Like I said, I don't understand it so it is hard for you to understand. Will be back for more frequent updates...