I thought I would post this morning a shot of our teenager. She is so beautiful in this shot! She is an amazing girl. She has had a lot of changes lately, and it has been hard for her to deal with. Thankfully, she has a firm foundation with Matt and I...and we are walking her through it. Matt and I have been focused on raising a different type of child...not focused on the world and all that it has...but on the Lord and what he has to offer. It is a tremendous adventure in this day. His way is the only way! So as we walk with a sure step(His steps) into the teenage years...we keep our eyes on Him.


Michelle said…
What a beautiful young lady she is. I still have a vivid memory of her at about age 4 sitting at a table in Amy's office, she was preciosu at that moment even though I didn't even know her name. God is good Allison and your family is blessed to have you.
Anonymous said…
Wow, wow, wow Allison, you have encouraged me within my soul. Some days I questions things, But have learned not to trust in men But in Him. My Family has been quiet, though people know we are there and My children are kept very close. I really love your Family, I truely beleive that God has used your Family as an instrument for our. So through your stones Never give up, You are such a blessing..Thanks K.Veleski

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