
I am slipping out of the view of my children for a few give you an update. We have a had super busy morning here at the Reynolds Nation. I started my morning at six o'clock baking sugar cookie maps. I had to make four for the school age children before they opened their eyes at seven....and they don't open their eyes voluntarily, but with school back in swing, they are led by me, Sgt. Reynolds.
We started last week with Ancient Egypt and we have been having a blast...learning about Pharaohs, mummies, pyramids and all that good stuff. So, if you get tired of any of my Egyptian updates, then come back later in the year :) So, we made a map of the main areas of Egypt...and had a great time doing it. Ands of course, that was our snack for the morning...kill two birds with one stone.
So, I must dash back to reality...I will be back soon. Math, Biology and a war over legos have beckoned!


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