A Visit in the Night

We got a special visitor in our bed the other night...around four in the morning. Special, yes. Surprise, no...lol. He mainly visits our bed most nights. Our special little Judah bear. All of our kids have gone through this. They love to come and get in our bed. It lasts a short season and then they don't come. It's sweet when they are young.
Okay, so anyways....He came in and was snug in our bed. Until about 5 minutes later Judah screams that he has a bug in his ear. He gets totally hysterical on me. Screaming, yelling...and he is totally not controllable. We thought this must be a huge nightmare. So we check his ear...nothing. Matt flushed his ear out...nothing. I finally told him that we will take him to the doctor in the morning. I held him really tight and I finally got him to go to sleep.
When we woke up in the morning I figured that all was well and done. But, not for Judah. He mentions first thing that we need to go to the doctor immediately. Now we are suspicious. It must not be a dream. But we figured that he must have put something into his ear. This little man could easily do that. He is busy. And always getting into mischief. He denies immediately that he didn't do that. He is insisting that there is a bug in his ear. So, we were going to head to the ER...but then I remembered that our older daughter is going to the pediatrician later in the day. So I call them and they fit him in to the same time slot.
We head there in the early afternoon. He is still insisting that there is a bug in his ear and that he didn't do it. I am totally expecting nothing, right. Well, guess what? THERE IS A BUG IN HIS EAR!!! And it was in there just flapping it's wings away. A little moth got in there and set up a home. The worst part-she couldn't get it out. So, now we are headed to the ER. Can you believe this? Thankfully,  the ER is dead and we are put right in. In a few moments they got it out and we were headed home.
The funniest part...they send the bug home in a little container and he carries it around all day long the next day. It became his best buddy. My boys are just writing chapters in my How to Survive 3 Boys Book. They sure keep me on my toes :)


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