The First Full Day
So, today was the first full day without Matt here. He arrived in Bolivia first thing this morning and I have already got a dozen text messages and three videos sent over on twitter. In the video he was still wearing the clothes he wore yesterday, so it was funny to see him on the other side of the planet in the same clothes as yesterday. He said he hadn't slept in 30 hours ( he doesn't sleep on planes)...but he was good. We miss him already! I missed him not walking in the door tonight at five...Judah keeps on saying that he is in the sweet from a two year old who doesn't know what is going on. So the kids were super busy today...I went shopping for our church shower this morning for my sister-in-law...I worked, hung out...didn't do anything too productive. But I am really tired. My kids are not in their normal routine and it shows. And neither is their mommy. We have 8 more days...some of those days are already planned out...some are slow here in the house. I am waiting for Matt to show up online to meet me on Facebook chat for a few minutes before we both go to bed...thousands of miles apart!