The Fullness of my Quiver!

The websters dictionary states that Quiver is, "a portable case for arrows." The word of God in Psalms says, "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward, like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them..." So I put those together and imagine my quiver on my back with my arrows placed in them. I think that sometimes everyone has different size quivers...some are bigger than others and some might be much bigger. We have friends in Vermont who have twelve children...they believed in the theory, Cheaper by the Dozen. Is my quiver that big? Perhaps not. But would I ever put them down because of what they decided to do? Never. I think their family is awesome and exciting and they love each and every one of them. So, would I put down a family that only has one child? No way. Perhaps they thought that one was all they could handle, or they wanted to devote all their attention on one. For whatever reason they chose, I respect that. So why is it that because we chose to have more than two, or three or four we are considered "out of our minds" and "crazy." Decades ago it was totally normal to have more than four kids. A hundred years ago if you didn't have more than four kids than you were "crazy." Because of our culture, our mindsets have changed on family size. We have chosen to do more for ourselves, so it is almost culturally unacceptable to have more than three kids. What happen to the word where it is said that, "happy is the man who has his quiver full of them." A wise woman said to me this past year, "don't let anyone tell you when your quiver is full." That statement released me in my faith and my understanding. I truly believe that when I am done having kids, God will seal that with Matt and I and we will feel satisfied with how many arrows we have. So, we don't feel like our quiver is full...I am excited about that. Our children bring us so much satisfaction. Yes they are busy. Yes they are loud. And yes they do cost more money than the average family. But that's where God provides all of our needs. We watch the Lord work in our lives. Now do the same and watch him work. He is faithful until the end! Posted is a picture taken this spring of our little arrows...aren't they beautiful!


Anonymous said…
Awesome post. Let's send those arrows towards the enemies face.
Superhero Mom said…
Woohoo! I love your quiver. They are indeed beautiful!

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