The Countdown Begins...

Just wanted to show you what we made yesterday...a ten day countdown to Christmas. There is a poem at the top and the red part is beautiful star ribbon...and then we hot glued 10 kisses on the ribbon and there is a bell on the bottom. Every night they are to take a kiss off the ribbon and count backwards to Christmas...and when they take the last one off on Christmas eve the bell on the bottom will ring. They had such a fun time making them (including 3 year old William who could thread the string on top and bottom and place his kisses on after I put the hot glue on). The rest of the night they were killing me to get the kiss down...and first thing this morning they were asking to have today's...that is the best part of Christmas...the anticipation! So, on to today where we are making reindeers with our hands and feet! What a stretch from the Lord for me...I am the least creative person in the world, and here I am doing crafts all the time! Blessings in this holiday season!


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