Pleased to Meet You!

Here is the newest member of the Reynolds Nation. His name is Edward...a three year old pug from a rescue group. I know, the name is a bit regal, and every time I go to call him I yell out the name George. Not sure why? Maybe from my love of British history ;0
We got our first pug almost six years ago...our beloved Mia. She really has been the best dog. Loves us to bits and we love her the same. Other than a love for moving vehicles, she is superb. So, why rock the boat? Why bring in another dog? Edward needed a home. His foster parents needed to bring in another pug with far greater need...and so he found us. He is easy going...loves the kids, even Judah smashing his face into his. I think we may have found a perfect match for the Reynolds Nation. So, take a moment and welcome the newest member to the family.


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